25 nov 2022
Amersfoort, Eenhoorn Meeting Center
Nederlandse vereniging voor Slaap – Waak Onderzoek
NSWO Najaarssymposium
De NSWO Wetenschapscommissie presenteert:
Het NSWO Najaarssymposium op vrijdag 25 november 11.00-17.30 uur te Amersfoort.
Program NSWO Fall symposium ‘The depths of sleep’.
Subscribe to the symposium (before November 20th):
To become a NSWO member, please see our website.
The annual Piet Visser poster prize of €500 will be awarded to the young sleep-wake researcher with the best poster!
If you want to present your poster, please send in your abstract, deadline October 31st, to wetcie@nswo.nl.
Thema: The depths of sleep
Keynote: Prof. Dr. Rob Henning, hoogleraar Farmacologie UMCG over winterslaap in het dierenrijk.
11.00 – 12.00h Algemene Leden Vergadering NSWO
Moderator: Denise Bijlenga
12.00 – 12.15h Poster blitz (1 min poster pitches)
12.15 – 13.00h Vegetarian lunch and poster viewing
13.00 – 13.05h Welcome (Denise Bijlenga)
13.05 – 13.30h Dr. Eva-Maria Elmenhorst, DLR Institute of Aerospace Medicine, Germany – Caffeine impacts deep sleep in humans
13.30 – 13.55h Dr. Tom de Boer, LUMC dept. Molecular Cell Biology – Caffeine, sleep, and circadian rhythms: What keeps you awake?
13.55 – 14.15h Debate: “Caffeine is a relevant sleep-toxin” with Dr. Eva-Maria Elmenhorst and Dr. Tom de Boer (chair: Sebastiaan Overeem)
14.15 – 14.25h Piet Visser poster prize and audience award ceremonies (Raymond Noordam)
14.25 – 14.45h Break
Moderator: Sebastiaan Overeem
14.45 – 15.05h PhD thesis talk: Dr. Sonia Difrancesco – Sleep, circadian rhythms and physical activity in depression and anxiety
15.05 – 15.25h PhD thesis talk: Dr. Jessical Bruijel – Tired of being tired: Fatigue and sleep following traumatic brain injury
15.25 – 15.45h PhD thesis talk: Dr. Gabriele Papini – Taking the pulse: unobtrusive sleep apnea monitoring using cardiovascular features
15.45 – 16.30h Key note speaker: Prof. Rob Henning, UMCG dept. Clinical pharmacology – Deep sleep and hibernation in the animal kingdom
After 16.30h: Drinks, snacks, and networking.
We hope to see you then!
De Piet Visser posterprijs t.w.v. €500 wordt dit jaar ook weer uitgereikt aan de jonge slaap-waak onderzoeker met de beste poster!
Om mee te doen stuur je je abstract in, uiterlijk 31 oktober naar wetcie@nswo.nl.
— Website NSWO Najaarssymposium